Compliments of the season folks. Trust we had a restful and joyous holiday. I did actually, took time to rest. Such long holidays are not easy to come by at least in this part of the world.😀
Hnmm, Christmas! Christmas. The day has come and gone and we all are looking forward to the new year. But how did we spend our Christmas? Can we look back and tell ourselves convincingly that it was well spent as far as our relationships are concerned? We know that Christ is the reason for the season. John 3:16a says For God so loved the world, that He gave His most precious gift. This implies that God gave us Jesus as a demonstration of His love for us.
The question now is how did we demonstrate / are we demonstrating our love to our loved ones this season? This season is about sharing and giving of gifts, even NBC encourages us to make someone happy this season by sharing Coke with them. Yeah, some of us spent good amount of money to buy gifts for our friends / family , church members or the less privileged. This is so sweet, fantastic and thoughtful, our prayer is that it will be accounted unto us for righteousness before God. But more importantly is sharing with our partners. Truth be told, some of us have never received any Christmas gift from our partners, as such it has almost become our second nature not to extend any gift to them as well. Should this be? No! It should not. God gave us Jesus even before we knew him or loved him, He gave Him to us unconditionally. We should also give unconditionally whether we receive or no, moreso that is more blessed to give than to receive.
Now, what can we give? I don't expect that we will give rice, oil and stuff to our partners, However, It doesn't have to cost a fortune, but it can be as little as card, perfumes or anything that can show that we have them in mind.
Remember, it is a season of showing love and our partners are not excluded.
Wishing us a glorious year end and a fruitful 2016.
See you come 2016.
The basic principle of love is to adopt the act of giving, in fact love is all about giving, giving and giving. You give your care, give attention, give your resources (financial and otherwise), give your time, give your energy, give your today, pledge your tomorrow and dedicate your life to the one you love and it does not matter if the other party you are in love with believes in all of those or not.
You must give without looking back, but giving at the right time and to the right person is perhaps the golden rule otherwise you give amiss.
The basic principle of love is to adopt the act of giving, in fact love is all about giving, giving and giving. You give your care, give attention, give your resources (financial and otherwise), give your time, give your energy, give your today, pledge your tomorrow and dedicate your life to the one you love and it does not matter if the other party you are in love with believes in all of those or not.
You must give even before asking and without looking back, but giving at the right time and to the right person is perhaps the golden rule otherwise you give amiss.
The basic principle of love is to adopt the act of giving, in fact love is all about giving, giving and giving. You give your care, give attention, give your resources (financial and otherwise), give your time, give your energy, give your today, pledge your tomorrow and dedicate your life to the one you love and it does not matter if the other party you are in love with believes in all of those or not.
You must give even before one is asked and without looking back, but giving at the right time and to the right person is perhaps the golden rule otherwise you give amiss.
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