Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Meeting the need of your Spouse PT 2

Hello good people,

Hope you found last week's topic educating, I promised we would round it up this week and that is what we are doing today. What are the other needs that each of us require to be happy when they are met?

He needs a babe for a wife : Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, but most men love attractive women which explains why they look for the beautiful, figure eight ones to court. Have you seen brides these days? Oh my ! You will wonder if they are walking Angels. They appear as if God just dropped them from heaven without having to pass thru the delivery process. When a man marries a woman like this, he expects to see her like this for some years to come. We are not saying every woman must look like a beauty queen, but they should try and maintain their pre-marital look and figure. We also know that shape and size will change as days go by , as age goes up and child bearing / raising begin, but all of these should not be an excuse for gaining weight. Not that a woman who was married as size 8 will become a size 16 after one child, if not how will she be after 3 children.  then, it's not that a woman should not make any attempt to retain the figure. This is also one of the reasons some men don't like going out with their wives, because the women are looking more like their aunt instead of wives.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Meeting the need of your Spouse.....

Hello good people,

Trust we are doing great.

One of the causes of marital problems is the couple's inability to make each other happy. The way to make each other happy is to know and give what each other needs according to how important it is to them. In other words, meeting the need of a spouse will reduce if not totally eliminate marital conflicts. Couples are not making each other happy not because it is intentional but it is due to simple ignorance of each other's needs.  The bible says my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

While I am waiting......

Hello good People,

It was indeed very interesting to read all the comments on how to achieve success in our marriages / relationships. I believe we found at least one of the points useful.
Today's short piece is specially dedicated to our single sisters.
Every lady dreams of walking the aisle someday with the man of her dream so as to live happily ever after. This dream may be actualized early in life perhaps in the early 20s or it can come as late as in the 40s and beyond. It may not even come at all, but whatever time it comes, we can only give God the glory.

Tuesday, October 06, 2015

Successful marriage is not by accident Pt 2

Happy new months to you, ten is a symbol of double grace, may we experience this in all spheres of our lives IJN. Sincerely, I must say a very big thank you to you people for your feedback, you guys are my inspiration.
Let me say here that we acknowledge the fact that each marriage is unique, we only try to provide a guide on how we can achieve the purpose of God in our relationship. There are no two homes that can be same because the parties involved are different and the circumstances surrounding them are not same, however, there are some principles that cut across, which I guess when applied will give some level of comfort and stability in our relationships. Take the issue of trust for example, I'm sure there is nobody in a relationship who does not want to be trusted, even those that came together by cheating on their previous partners.